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Showing posts from June, 2018

What You Need To Know Cheekbone Reduction Surgery

Cheekbones are present at the centre of the face and hence plays an important role to give a particular facial appearance. High bony cheekbones with little fat under the cheekbone gives men the most coveted look while a bit high cheekbone in women give them a sweet appearance. Very high cheekbones in women give them a harsh and non-feminine look and this is one of the main reasons for women to opt for cheekbone reduction surgery. Cheekbone reduction surgery is a kind of cosmetic surgery which helps to enhance the cheekbones. Patients who lack a well-defined cheekbone, often undergo cheekbone reduction surgery . The objective of this procedure is to reduce the side cheekbone size and enhance the front cheekbone volume. Through this procedure a natural oval shaped face can be achieved.  Wider cheekbones are common and genetic trait in Asian which is the reason for many to opt for cheekbone reduction surgery. There are two types of cheekbone contouring surgery. These i